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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Women & Age

I stumbled upon an article in the Daily Mail’s TV & Showbiz section that had an unflattering photo of Kim Cattrall – Samantha Jones in Sex and The City.

The article goes on to say “As steamy Samantha Jones in Sex And The City, she could have any man she wanted - whatever their age.
But now age appears to have caught up with Kim Cattrall, 50, seen here with wrinkled skin and thinning lips.
Photographed at the World Premiere of Director John Boorman's "The Tiger's Tail" in Dublin, it appears her days as sex-kitten Samantha Jones are long gone.”
I normally don’t bother reading gossips about showbiz stars but I am glad I saw this one just to remind myself how shallow and fickle some people are. Why are women subjected to looks and the body shape stereotype? No wonder the eating disorders manifest more in the Western world than other part of the world where the media promotes only the women of certain mould to be beautiful.
Why can’t we accept that women also get older and just like men? Why can’t we see beauty in aging – albeit a different beauty than youth?
I am not the one to age gracefully but I am also not the one to believe that external beauty is be all and end all. When I need it and if it was possible I will have minor treatments that make my aging slow down but I will not be obsessed with the desire to look young.
After saying all that I don’t think my mind sees me as I look now. It still sees me as I was ten years ago. Hypocrite or what?.........LOL

Nope we should accept that people age and change yet can remain beautiful. But then there's Joan Collins....
I always thought Samantha was the prettiest. And I think that ageing gracefully is the way forward. Preferably without plastic surgery - I am so anti all this fakeness.

At 26 I have a few lines on my forehead already. Fuck it - it's the result of too much partying, smoking and drinking in my teens and early twenties.

Would I take that back for a smooth forehead?

Hell no. Well, maybe the smoking part. But you catch my drift.
I don't want to look
younger (impossible I think
I just want to look, fit,
slim and attractive, the best
I can whilst still looking
like me.
Might want a few crows feet
eradicated in the next few
years though-aint I a flaming
I like my smile lines near
my cheeks, I think they
make me look very chiselled.
I have a a couple of lines
on my forehead, they don't
bother me as they are hardly
that open pack of sliced bread
It's my squint lines I don't
like and just like 'a girl
like me' mine were from smoking.
We will see if vanity get's
the better of me!
And I think the lady who played
Sam Jones is a very attractive
woman. I mean she's getting
on a bit what the hell do people
expect her to look like? She
still looks very good indeed.
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